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Research in organic chemistry addresses a broad interest of important problems and includes investigations at the basic understanding. Much of current research also takes place at the interface of organic chemistry and other areas such as biology, medicine, materials, and agriculture. Specific areas of research include bioactive compounds from natural resources, organic synthesis and catalysis.

ณปภา พรหมสวรรค์
Organic and Natural Products Chemistry
ธิติ จันทร์ภิรมย์
Organic Synthesis, Ionic Liquids, N-heterocyclic Carbene
นัทธวัฒน์ เสมากูล
Organic Synthesis, Catalysis, Materials Chemistry
พุฒินันท์ มีเผ่าพันธ์
Organic synthesis, Organic catalytic, Ionic liquid, N-Heterocarbene, Ring-opening polymerization, Modification of natural product, Chiral derivatizing agent, Chiral resolving agent
มุกดา ภัทราวราพันธ์
Organic Synthesis, Green chemistry, Synthetic methodology
วงศ์ พะโคดี
Organic Synthesis, Synthetic Methodology, Natural Product
สุกัญญา มหาธีรานนท์
Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Rice Phytochemicals
อรุณฉาย สายอ้าย
Natural Product, Bioactive compound, Traditional Thai plants


The unifying theme of our researches in Physical Chemistry can be classified into two broad strands. One strand involves experimental studies of the connections and relations among the underlying structure of a material, its properties, its processing methods and its performance in multiple industrial applications in medical, plastic, dye, textile, electronic, pharmaceutical and food industries as well as environmental remediation. The researches also include surface/interface functionalization and modification of (bio) polymers, carbon-based materials and semiconductor catalysts for designing novel materials with targeted properties. The other strand covers theoretical chemistry employing computational modelling and simulation to assist in solving chemical problems including how matter behaves on a molecular and atomic level and how chemical reactions occur. In many cases, through internal and external research collaborations, computational studies are complemented by experimental investigations, leading to important advances as better theories are developed.

กรธัช อุ่นนันกาศ
Electrochemistry, Biosensors, Supercapacitors, 2D Nanomaterials
ชนิสร เหง้าจำปา
DFT calculation, ab initio molecular dynamics
นรินทร์ ลาวัลย์
QM/MM calculations, Molecular modeling, Enzyme mechanisms, Molecular dynamics
นาวี กังวาลย์
Quantum chemical calculations for fluorescent and optoelectronic materials
ปะราลี แว่นแก้ว
Electrocatalysis, Polymer, Fuel cell
ปิยรัตน์ นิมมานพิภักดิ์
Physical chemistry, Molecular modeling, Atomistic and mesoscopic simulations, Model compound
ภัทร์นฤน วรจิตติพล
Polymer composites, Biopolymers, Nanomaterials
ละอองนวล ศรีสมบัติ
Colloids and Surface, Nanoscience, Material Chemistry
วสุท พรพัชรพงศ์
Molecular Dynamics, Mathematical Modeling
วินิตา บุณโยดม
Polymers, Biodegradable polymers, Bioplastics, Biomaterials, Catalyst
วิมล นาคสาทา
Fire Retardant Materials, Novel Cellulose Materials
สรพงษ์ จันทร์หอม
Surface modification and colloid chemistry, Wastewater treatment
สุรินทร์ สายปัญญา
Catalysis, Electrochemistry, Surface analysis, Electromaterials
เกียรติคุณ มะโนเครื่อง
Polymer physics and chemistry, Smart polymers, Stimuli responsive polymers, Drug delivery, Injectable hydrogels
แสงรวี ศรีวิชัย
Conducting Polymer, Biosensor, Electrochemisty


Analytical chemistry at Chiang Mai University is the pioneering analytical chemistry Ph.D. program in the country. Our faculty developed cutting-edge analytical techniques in a range of applications. Major topics in analytical chemistry research include separation science, analytical spectroscopy, electrochemistry, chemometrics and environmental chemistry.

จรูญ จักร์มุณี
Flow-based analysis, Biosensors, Electroanalysis
ชนิดา พวงพิลา
Chromatography, Colourimetry
ชำนิ​ แสงภักดี
Nanomaterials Remediation Applications
ทินกร  กันยานี
Flow based chemical analysis, Miniaturization and Down-scaling chemical analysis
พิชญา มังกรอัศวกุล
Environmental Chemistry, Natural Products
ภูมน สุขวงศ์
Functional compounds from agricultural sources, Analytical Chemistry, Chromatography, Food and Oleo Chemistry
ภูมิศร์ ทับทิมแดง
Biofilms, Antimicrobial toxicity of hazardous substances, Water treatment
ว่าน วิริยา
Air pollution, Biomass burning, Chemical composition, Low Cost Sensor
ศิลา กิตติวัชนะ
Chemometrics, Artificial neural network, Process monitoring, Post-harvest technology, NIR spectroscopy
สมพร จันทระ
Air pollution, Air quality monitoring, PM2.5, Aerosols, Atmospheric deposition
สิทธิชัย วิโรจนุปถัมภ์
Thermal spray technology, Wear and corrosion protection, Materials characterization
อุไร เต็งเจริญสกุล
Environmental chemistry, Atomic spectroscopy
เกตุ กรุดพันธ์
Flow based Chemical Analysis, Green Chemical Analysis, Local Wisdom based Innovation


Research related to Biochemistry at our department address basic biochemical understanding of molecular genetics, proteomics, enzymology and molecular biology. In addition to fundamental research, we also applied those biochemical technologies to address challenging problems in food, energy, environment, and human diseases.

กาญจนา ดำริห์
Environmental Biochemistry, Clay and Mineral cosmetics
จิดาภา ทิน้อย
Biotechnology, Biorefinery, Fermentation, Bioenergy, Production of high value-added products
นพกาญจน์ จันทร์เดช
Enzyme Technology, Fermentation Technology, Microbiology
นัทธี สุรีย์
QM/MM calculations, Molecular modeling, Enzyme mechanisms, Molecular dynamics, HIV, Protein Assay, Human Cell Assay, Virus, Biochemistry
ปัญชิกา ปรังเขียว
Drug delivery, Peptides, Pore formation, Liposomes
พัชณี แสงทอง
Forensic Science, Anti-cancer agents, Molecular Genetics, Proteomics, Translational control
ลลิดา แชงค์
Protein Chemistry, Enzymology and Analytical Biochemistry
อภินันท์ กันเปียงใจ
Functional Foods, Enzyme Technology, Fermentation Technology


At Chiang Mai University, we are one of the leaders in the fields for coordination polymer, metal-organic framework, battery, photocatalysis, and chemosensor materials. We incorporate the knowledge on basic coordination chemistry, crystallography, spectroscopy, acid-base theory, organometallic chemistry to create novel chemistry that is state-of-the-art in each area.

กุลภา ชนะวรรโณ
Inorganic synthesis, Ferrocene chemistry, Dyes synthesis and applications
ชำนาญ ราญฎร
Inorganic synthesis and applications, Heterogeneous photocatalysis, Materials chemistry, Biomaterials
ฐปนีย์ สารครศรี
Lithium-ion battery, Anode materials, Renewable energy
ประพุทธ์ ถาวรยุติการต์
Fluorescent chemosensors, Fluorescence sensing, Cations and Anions Recognitions, AIE-based chemosensors
ศรัญพงศ์ ยิ้มกลั่น
Inorganic Syntheses, Materials Chemistry, X-ray Crystallography and Synchrotron
สุลาวัลย์ ขาวผ่อง
Photocatalysis, Heterostructure, Semiconductor, Nanomaterial
อภินภัส รุจิวัตร์
Coordination Polymer, Metal-Organic Framework, Lanthanide, Sensing, Gas storage